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The beloved tradition of the 99 Days Club is back! 

99 Days Club is a senior year endeavor in which Georgetown students attempt to visit The Tombs every day for the 99 days leading up to graduation weekend, and if successful, have their name immortalized on a plaque on the wall. 

10 Rules of The 99 Days Club

1. Day 1 of 99 Days Club is Friday, February 7th while Day 99 is Wednesday, May 17th. Registration opens on Monday, February 3rd. We encourage you to sign up early!

2. Register for 99 Days Club by filling out this form

3. You must order one drink (a shot will not count) or one item of food (take out will not count) in The Tombs every day. We consider the day from when we open that morning until we close at night; after midnight will not count as an additional day.

4. Each day, members must fill out the Google Form with 1) a photo* of themself inside The Tombs holding their check and 2) a photo of their check with their name written on the check. Date and time must be clear on the photograph of the check. 

5. Periodical updates will be sent to registered email addresses with names of remaining active members and news for the upcoming week. It is your duty and responsibility to check your email.

6. Absences during Spring Break (March 1st - March 9th) and Easter Break (April 17th-21st) are excused. These are the ONLY days that absences will be excused.

7. In addition to the dates mentioned in Rule #6, Three Excused Absences will be permitted in case of emergency or special circumstance. In order for your absence to be excused, you must fill out the Google Form with a photo* of yourself and your 99 Days Club koozie or Tombs-branded gear within 24 hours of the missed date. Name must read “First Name Last Name, ABSENT MM/DD/YY”.

8. A brass plaque is displayed with the final names of those that complete the 99 Days Club. Because the plaque is custom ordered, it is your duty and responsibility to make sure that your name is spelled correctly.

9. Prizes will be given away most Wednesdays (Seniors’ Night) around 11:30pm, starting January 31st. All active 99 Days members will be entered in the raffle. You must be present to win.

10. Giveaways will take place each week for active members that share photos* during their 99 Days Club experience. Photos can be entered in giveaways via Instagram by using hashtag #99DaysClub and tagging @thetombs in your photo. Instagram privacy must be set to public or accept @thetombs as a follower. 

* By sharing these images with us, you give The Tombs permission to use these photos.




I understand that my participation in the 99 Days Club is completely voluntary and that lying, cheating, attempted cheating, submitting falsified documents, photos, content and dates, and plagiarism are not allowed in the 99 Days Club. I understand that violation of any of the above is grounds for revocation of my membership. I pledge to uphold these standards to preserve the integrity of the Club and its individual members. By registering for 99 Days Club, I agree to this Honor Code.